"If you use good ingredients, and you don't take any shortcuts, then you can usually cook something very good. Sometimes it is the only worthwhile product you can salvage from a day: what you make to eat. With writing, I find, you can have all the right ingredients, give plenty of time and care, and still get nothing. Also true of love. Cooking, therefore, can keep a person who tries hard sane." -John Irving, The World According to Garp
I get a kick out of this statement. So so so many nights have I come home, sick of school, only wanting to make dinner. Irving (Garp) just articulates it so much better than I could.
I'm being over-ambitious...checking out 4 books and expecting to read them all in a month. We'll see how this goes.
You have quite the knack for words... and syntax! Keep it up! Now that you're back in the States, there are some really incredible places you should go. Some right here in NC! Hope you are enjoying the bike :) Joe.